Introductory Essay

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At the age of nine, I moved to the US from another country. I had to learn a new language, meet new people, and become part of another culture. I moved to the United States from the Dominican Republic; the only language I knew was English. When I moved, I had to face a lot of barriers because I did not know the English language. As time went on, I dedicated most of my time to learning the English language. I slowly made progress and four years later, I was able to speak, write, and read English fluently and made it my second language.

Writers can always make mistakes, but they are constantly improving their work. I am always improving my writing. Feedback from teachers and peers can always be used  for future reference. Writers are always students because they are learning new ways to approach different topics. Writers also have to do a lot of research when trying to prove their stance on certain issues and topics. You always have to prove that your argument is true. Doing research and arguing my stance for certain issues and topics is my struggle as a writer. You also have to be able to find counterpoint information and as a writer you have to able to show more information on why you disagree with that side of the argument.

Writers and students never stop learning. There is always room for improvement and they’re always learning new things. That’s how I see myself, as a person that is always learning new things and always improving. Since English is my second language, it will always be improving. I am the type of writer that I always want a lot of people to read my writing. By doing this, I will get a lot of feedback and see things the way other people see them and also consider changes and other people’s point of view. Constructive criticism is something that writers should always be looking for.

Writers are constantly overcoming challenges. During previous work, I had lack of ideas. I would use constant repetition in my writing. As time went on, I got better at approaching certain topics and avoiding repetition. Before starting a writing I ask myself, “What’s my goal?”, “What audience do I want to approach?” and “What kind of research do I need to collect in order to prove my point?”. It is better to have a clear vision of what you want to accomplish with your writing before actually starting. It is also good to make multiple drafts to be able to correct mistakes and make changes. Writers always have a main goal that they would like to accomplish in every piece of writing.

As a student I see myself as someone that can really work hard inside and outside the classroom. I believe that as a student most of the learning is done by yourself and when you are not in school. Everything is not learned in school and you have to dedicate your time to learn more outside the classroom and become a better student. A student needs a lot of time and dedication to a be able to improve. A lot of times, you will need to go do more research about topics discussed in class because you didn’t completely understood the topic. Even when you understand the topic, you will need to review it and get ready for examinations and other assignments. Students should always have a goal in mind of what they want to accomplish in each class.

As the semester goes on, I want to keep improving my writing and keep learning about different ways to approach several topics. I believe I am a very fast learner and that will help me improve my writing even more. I want to work on finding methods to avoid repetition. I would also like to improve my way of approaching an argumentative essay. When I write an argumentative essay, I struggle when trying to prove my point. I also struggle when making my counterpoint, sometimes finding it quite difficult to approach that part of the essay. When I find these new methods of writing, I will use my learning skills to improve my writing. As writers, we can always find new ways to approach different essays and we are always trying to improve our work. Writers may have their work reach a larger audience when they dedicate time and hard work into their writing.